The Exclusive Career Coach

Updated: 24 Jul 2024 • 329 episodes

The Exclusive Career Coach is presented by Lesa Edwards, CEO of Exclusive Career Coaching. This weekly podcast covers all things career management including job search strategies, interviewing tips, networking tools, maximizing LinkedIn, salary negotiations, and managing your mindset around your career.


Show episodes

In a perfect world, your boss is supportive, encouraging, wise, and has all the time in the world to mentor and coach you. He gives you full credit for your wins and shares the blame for your missteps. She spends time helping you plan your next career steps and advocates for you to get those opportunities.   If you rel

27 min
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There is A LOT of information out there about the benefits of AI in your job search – and not all of it is actually beneficial for you as a job seeker. In this episode, I want to dive into five ways to use AI in your job search, as well as a few ways I don’t recommend using AI.   I’m not diving into the AI that is bein

18 min
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Increasingly, I’m getting questions from my clients about whether they should apply to a position they see on LinkedIn – or go directly to the company’s website.   I want to start by saying loud and clear: I DO NOT recommend putting your resume on your LI profile. When a recruiter accesses your LI resume, it has not be

17 min
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I want to start this episode with a clarification: When I am talking about cultivating a relationship with recruiters, I am coming at this from the perspective of a long-term, mutually beneficial relationship – NOT trying to do so just because you are in a job search, only to forget about them afterwards.   That is not

22 min
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This week’s episode features my guest, Bob Tiede. Bob is a 20-year of the U.S. Leadership Development Team of Cru (formerly known as Campus Crusade for Christ). He has written six books including “Great Leaders Ask Questions” and “Now That’s a Great Question.”   We talk about the importance of asking great questions as

50 min
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A concept that I think about A LOT as a small business owner is that a person has to know, like, and trust me in order to buy from me.   How does this play out in my world? As the person selling a service to someone, people need to know who I am and what I’m about, they have to like what they know about me, and they ha

16 min
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