Ep 282 - Life Post Success: Lessons From Recovering Libertarian and Singularitarian KMO
As an early employee at Amazon.com, KMO made a fortune on stock options then spent it all. This change in personal circumstances has led to a massive evolution in KMO’s thinking from "a recovering libertarian and Singularitarian." KMO’s C-Realm podcast provides, as he describes it, “an unintended look into KMO’s evolving worldview.” KMO beautifully represents a feature of the white belt, yellow belt, the orange belt and the green belt. KMO has found himself in many cult(ure)s. None of them having anything to do with a supernatural deity. Moreover, his personal experiences have created feeeeeeelings that have shaped his thinking. The difference is that unlike some people, KMO is not only aware of this but honest and open about it. You can find more about KMO at https://c-realm.com and https://www.youtube.com/c/outtamyhead
From "Mixed Mental Arts"
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