Jenny Taitz: Self-Soothing Strategies, How to be Single and Happy & Ending Emotional Eating
Dr. Jenny Taitz, Assistant Clinical Professor in Psychiatry at UCLA and licensed clinical psychologist board certified in cognitive behavioral therapy, outlines her custom, dialectical therapy approach to helping people meet their long term goals by utilizing evidenced-based tools. She breaks down the core issues of disordered eating and highlights the importance of recognizing hunger cues and triggers, forming intuitive eating habits, and finding nourishment through self-soothing strategies. Mayim expands upon the origin of her eating disorder and current relationship with food, and details the role food plays in culture and intimacy. Dr. Taitz discusses how mindfulness, distress tolerance, finding bite-sized doses of hope, and even dunking your face in ice water can lead to radical acceptance & willingness. After Mayim opens up about her history of serial monogamy, she and Dr. Taitz examine the importance of finding happiness and empowerment while living single rather than waiting to find the right person to be happy. Mayim and Dr. Taitz wrap the episode with indicators one might need help overcoming an eating disorder, and Mayim explains Binge Eating Disorder during an installment of Ask Mayim Anything. Jenny's Books: https://drjennytaitz.com/books/ Jenny's Articles: https://drjennytaitz.com/media/ Overeaters Anonymous: https://oa.org/BialikBreakdown.comYouTube.com/mayimbialik
From "Mayim Bialik's Breakdown"
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