Mayim Bialik's Breakdown
Mayim Bialik’s Breakdown is a quirky, informative, and interactive podcast breaking down the myths and misunderstandings about mental health and emotional well-being. Neuroscientist Mayim Bialik combines her academic background with vast personal experience to provide listeners with valuable practical advice focusing on removing the stigma surrounding mental health and encouraging an understanding of the mind-body connection. Nothing is off limits as Mayim breaks it down with an amazing collection of guests.
Show episodes
Can your mind actually control your body? How much of your consciousness is running the show of your life versus the unconscious part of your brain? Can you actually reprogram your mind? We’re unleashing the power of consciousness matter and miracles and how you can CHANGE YOUR LIFE on this week’s MBB! Cell biologist
Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman on How He Changed His Mind about Past Lives, the Importance of Creative Intelligence, Different Types of Narcissism & How to Overcome the Victim Mindset
Unlock the secrets of human potential & self-actualization with Scott Barry Kaufman, Ph.D. (cognitive psychologist, host of the #1 psychology podcast in the world - The Psychology Podcast, author of Rise Above)! Kaufman explains the mysteries of extrasensory perception and how he now believes in past-life regressions

New Science of Stress: Why We Need Stress to Thrive and How The Right Stress Improves Health, Increases Life Span & Can Cut Your Cancer Risk in Half
Guess what? You actually need stress to stay healthy! The key is understanding the difference between good stress and bad stress. Sharon Horesh Bergquist, MD, award-winning physician & researcher on lifestyle as medicine reveals the 5 crucial stressors you need to embrace today to slow down your aging and boost your

New Quantum Science: Deepak Chopra Explains Telepathy, Simulation Theory & How to Break Old Patterns to Increase Your Potential!
Wondering what the invention of AI means for your humanity? Why are we hearing so much about telepathy lately? Are we all connected? Deepak Chopra joins us again in the Breakdown Studio to answer all your questions and quell your fears about artificial intelligence. Learn how Deepak Chopra literally channeled his spi

Psychedelics Expert: Can Microdosing Help the Body to Heal? Explore the Mental & Physical Health Benefits & How to Feel Better.
James Fadiman, PhD (the "father" of modern microdosing) & Jordan Gruber, J.D., M.A. (coauthor of Microdosing for Health, Healing, and Enhanced Performance) are here to unlock the secrets of microdosing psychedelics! Learn how microdosing can dramatically enhance your creativity, your productivity, ease social anxiety,

How Bird Flu Could Impact YOU: Virologist Explains the Risks, How to Protect Yourself, & Why Egg Prices are So High
When it comes to the bird flu, you are probably panicking about the wrong things! Understand the bird flu’s impact on wild birds, chickens, cows, cats, your grocery bill and whether or not your health is at risk. Dr. Seema Lakdawala, a molecular virologist from Emory University, is here to calm your fears with the la