Maximize Your Content Output: Social Media Scaling Tips from Expert Andrew Jenkins

15 Feb 2024 • 66 min • EN
66 min
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Unlock the secrets to multiplying your digital content"s impact as Andrew Jenkins, who teaches at University of Toronto and has written Social Media Marketing for Business: Scaling an Integrated Social Media Strategy Across Your Organization, and I navigate the ins and outs of content repurposing in digital marketing. From revitalizing your existing digital creations to strategizing for new ones, we share insights on breathing new life into your content. If you"ve been pouring your heart into your work but it seems to vanish in the digital ether, you"ll discover how to make your content work overtime across social media landscapes, using AI tools to revolutionize your approach. In today’s episode, we peel back the layers of social media content strategy, especially in those tricky, tightly regulated industries. We talk about the pitfalls of a "one and done" mentality and the magic of repurposing to extend the life and reach of your content. Get ready for an eye-opening look at how employee advocacy can amplify your message and how smart cross-promotion can make every piece of content count. I also share a slice of my journey in content development, from my upcoming book to my LinkedIn-focused venture, revealing how audience engagement can play a critical role in shaping your work. As we round off our discussion, Andrew and I dissect the role of AI in content creation, bringing you our firsthand experiences with transformative tools that cut through the noise and polish your content for the social sharing limelight. We align the dots between AI’s efficiency and keeping the human touch at the heart of your digital strategy. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or a marketing maven, this episode packs a punch full of actionable strategies to revamp your content approach and make every word count. Join us as we unveil the power of AI to not only craft personalized experiences but also to dive deep into data analysis, freeing up your time to build those invaluable community connections. GUEST LINKSSocial Media Marketing for Business: Scaling an Integrated Social Media Strategy Across Your OrganizationConnect with Andrew on LinkedInAndrew"s Digital Marketing Agency Volterra Sign up to be informed of when my Kickstarter for Digital Threads launches here; Learn More: Join My Digital First Mastermind: Learn about My Fractional CMO Consulting Services: Download My Free Ebooks Here: Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: All My Podcast Show Notes:

From "Your Digital Marketing Coach with Neal Schaffer"

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