Building the Life Bridge with heart leadership pioneer, speaker and author, Ulrik Nerløe

02 Jul 2023 • 59 min • EN
59 min
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Minter Dialogue with Ulrik Nerløe Ulrik Nerløe is the Chief Energy Officer at Unified People ApS, a pioneer in heart leadership, founder of Invenio Lab, a public speaker and a bestselling author, having published "The Life Bridge, Your journey from an unconscious to a conscious life," as well as "The Energy Path, the Art of Leading with Love." In this conversation, we discuss his journey to becoming focused on heart leadership, how and when does one establish one's purposes, dreams and values, how does one measure success. If you've got comments or questions you'd like to see answered, send your email or audio file to; or you can find the show notes and comment on If you liked the podcast, please take a moment to go over to iTunes or your favourite podcast channel, to rate/review the show. Otherwise, you can find me @mdial on Twitter.

From "Leadership, Brand Strategy & Transformation - Minter Dialogue"

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