#103 Simon Ager on Creating an Encyclopedia of Languages
Linguistics expert and language enthusiast, Simon Ager, talks with Benny and Elizabeth about creating one of the internet’s biggest (and first) encyclopedias of languages and writing systems. On his website, omniglot.com, Simon has cataloged over 340 writing systems and collated information about more than 1,600 languages. Simon has studied a wide range of languages including Chinese, Japanese, French, German, and he has a particular interest in Celtic languages. Mentioned in this EpisodeSimon’s WebsiteSimon’s TwitterRadio OmniglotOmniglot on FacebookDuolingoMemrise Patreon Extended Episode Enjoy the podcast? Subscribe to our Patreon to get access to extended episodes and loads more content. Here’s what you’ll hear in the long-form episode:Comparing learning music and languagesSinging as pronunciation practiceMetaskills: The skill of learning a new skillBenny and Elizabeth’s best languages Learn more and access this bonus content on Patreon. Episode Overview Some of the topics brought up during the interview are:Making the most of immersion experiencesSimon’s favourite resources, including Duolingo and MemriseA typical day of language learningFirst steps for using Omniglot.comUsing your languages to aid research on WikipediaGetting a Masters in Linguistics, and where it can take youCeltic languages and their revivalResponding to “why bother?” criticismIntegrating the four pillars of language into daily lifePeople-watching in your target language Podcast theme: “A New Beginning” by Shannon Kennedy
From "Language & Travel Hacking"
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