KunstlerCast 286

22 Jan 2017 • 57 min • EN
57 min
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It’s a pleasure to welcome back Jasun Horsley, who presides over the blog Auticulture and The Liminalist podcast. Jasun is a UK ex-pat now living in rural British Columbia, Canada. He describes himself as a “high-functioning Aspergian” and his work often takes readers and listeners to the further outposts of culture where neuroscience and the occult shake hands with politics and show biz. Jasun is a hard-working professional intellectual who brings an original worldview to the events of the day. We recorded two podcasts in this session: the one in which I interview him for my podcast and one in which he interviews me for his podcast, the Liminalist (click here).

From "KunstlerCast - Conversations: Converging Catastrophes of the 21st Century"

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