Jasun Horsley's Interviews

Jasun Horsley | Agents Of The Second Matrix, Traumagenesis, & Prisoners of Infinity
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Thomas and Steven continue their analysis of True Detective, this time joined by Jasun Horsley for a conversation about season two. Finding the season significantly underrated, they talk about its mixed reception and contrast its approach to that of season one. Resuming discussion of Pizzolatto's treatment of masculini

Jasun Horsley | Organized Malevolence, Big Mother, & The Counterfeit Dreams of Hollywood
Get the full 2 hour interviews with THC+: Subscribe via our website and get the Plus show on your usual podcast apps. Subscribe via Patreon, including the full Plus archive, a dedicated RSS feed, Spotify, & payment through Paypal. Subscribe via check, cash, money order, or crypto with the information at the bottom of t
Jasun Horsley joins us for a conversation about his book Big Mother: The Technological Body of Evil, which analyzes the Satanic techniques that converge upon the human body in the modern world. Topics of discussion include how the Wachowskis' red pill turned blue, the significance of the COVID-19 pandemic, how the occu
Embodiment and Technology, Fact and Fiction with Jasun Horsley
Jasun Horsley is an author of several books on popular culture, psychology, and high strangeness. He is a transmedia storyteller, independent scholar, and existential detective. He lives and works in Canada. Horsley's blog: https://childrenofjob.substack.com/ --- Become part of the Hermitix community: Hermitix Twitter
KunstlerCast 396 -- Jasun Horsley Explores the Uncanny Valley with "Big Mother"
Jason Horsley produces the Children of Job Blog and Podcast. He is the author most recently of Big Mother: the Technological Body of Evil, and many other books. He was born in Britain and has lived in Morocco, British Columbia, and now Spain. Jasun’s work is an excursion into the uncanny valley of philosophy where good
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