The Delingpod: The James Delingpole Podcast
James Delingpole interviews the world’s most fascinating people.
Show episodes
Etienne de la Boetie² is the pen name of a voluntaryist author, father, technology entrepreneur, runner, hot yogi, multi-disciplinarian truther, arm chair economist, cryptocurrency enthusiast and neo-abolitionist who is experimenting with large-scale cult deprogramming. All is explained in his very readable and well-il
Father James Mawdsley, a traditionalist Catholic priest and former prisoner of conscience in Burma, is known for his activism and writings on democracy and human rights. He served as a priest from 2016 to 2022 and actively engaged in political and religious debates, particularly on the traditional Mass. ↓ ↓ ↓ Buy James
Conspiracy Music Guru is the stage name of Alex Michael, a multi-instrumentalist, music producer, and performer. After extensive research into alternative perspectives on reality, Alex channeled his talents into creating music that explores themes such as flat Earth theories, gravity, satellites, and the moon landing h
Military history illustrations, watercolour paintings, distinctive moustache, fine ales, historical reenactments. Founder of #ThirdWednesday and #ThursdayCircle ... you know the drill, it's Dick. https://www.delingpolestudio.com ↓ If you need silver and gold bullion - and who wouldn't in these dark times? - then the pl
Ole is a Danish author, speaker, and researcher known for his work exploring false flag operations, and political assassinations. He always questions official narratives and advocates for greater transparency and awareness of covert operations. Through books, interviews, and public talks, he aims to encourage critical
Alex Thomson is an independent journalist and regular contributor to UK Column, where he presents under the "Eastern Approaches" platform. Educated at Rugby School and Cambridge, he began his career with a Christian mission in the former Soviet Union before serving as an officer at GCHQ during his twenties. James visit