Kathryn Ramsperger , Catalog of Interviews and Bits


24 May 2021 • EN
1 min
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is an award-winning author, editor, and creativity coach. She began her career with National Geographic and Kiplinger. She also worked for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent. The Shores of Our Souls was a semifinalist in the 2017 Faulkner-Wisdom Literary Competition. The Shores of Our Souls Kathryn Brown Ramsperger List Price: $16.97 Trim Size: 6x9 Trade Paperback Pages: 244 ISBN-10: 1946920037 ISBN-13: 978- 1946920034 Publication Date: August 1, 2017 Ebook Price: $5.99 Fiction/Literary/Romance/Multicultural Pitch perfect writing. More than a romance, more than a cultural exploration, this novel helped me better understand our complicated world. —AUTHOR TAMI LEWIS BROWN, THE MAP OF ME An intriguing debut novel! The author wove two compelling stories of star-crossed lovers with great intricacy. I felt such deep compassion for them both. I couldn't put it down! —AUTHOR OF OVERCOMERS,INC. - LYNNE KLIPPEL WWW.TOUCHPOINTPRESS.COM She's also recipient of the Hollins University FictionAward. Married and the parent of two, she's worked in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East and currently lives in Maryland. Email: info@shoresofoursouls.com www.shoresofoursouls.com A remarkable love story and so very timely. It highlights the tensions of the Middle East and our modern world and also the power of love. There is a deep, powerful, and inspiring lesson in this adventure tale. —AUTHOR JOHN PERKINS, CONFESSIONS OF AN ECONOMIC HITMAN

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