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Kathryn Ramsperger
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Kathryn Ramsperger
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6 Interviews
Kathryn Ramsperger Kathryn Brown Ramsperger is the multi-award-winning author of three novels, Moments On The Edge, The Shores Of Our Souls, and A Thousand Flying Things. Her journalism and international humanitarian careers have influenced her writing, and her work has appeared in many notable publications, from Nat Geo to Kiplinger, from The MacGuffin to Thought Catalog. She's also the podcast host of "Story Hour," where she interviews international, social justice, and multicultural authors like herself. She loves being on the other side of the mic discussing topics in her books such as international communication, the rules of war, multicultural relationships and families, and how to find peace and love in the midst of conflict and war. She is currently working on a memoir, a riches to rags and back again story about how she overcame sudden childhood poverty, homelessness, and her mother's early onset Parkinson's disease, to find the life she has today. A speaker's sheet is available upon request. Contact her through her website contact page.

Kathryn Ramsperger's Interviews

THIS SHOW WAS RECORDED IN FRONT OF A LIVE AUDIENCE Welcome to Episode 40 where 160 authors have now shared their stories and celebrated their debuts! In this episode explore new books and meet new authors, some from She Writes Press and Black Rose Writing. Be transported by thrilling and paranormal writing, a story of

29 min
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THIS SHOW WAS RECORDED IN FRONT OF A LIVE AUDIENCE   Welcome to Episode 40 where 160 authors have now shared their stories and celebrated their debuts! In this episode explore new books and meet new authors, some from She Writes Press and Black Rose Writing. Be transported by thrilling and paranormal writing, a story o

29 min
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Journaling helps award-winning author Kathryn Brown Ramsperger solve problems, access her imagination, and free up her creative brain to get the work done. Whether it's Morning Pages or journaling on the go, Rampsberger is a firm believer that journaling is a door to our imagination. A journal can keep our ideas in a s

39 min
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Kathryn Ramsperger's Website Kathryn Ramsperger's Amazon Page Kathryn Ramsperger's Goodreads Page Julia Daily's Website Julia Daily's Twitter  Julia Daily's Facebook Julia Daily's Instagram  Julia Daily's Linked In  Julia Daily's Goodreads  Authors Over 50 Podcast Links: Amazon Music Spotify Apple Podcasts Google Podca

36 min
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María Tomás-Keegan & Kathryn Ramsperger 26 Jan 2022 • EN

Creativity at Work with Kathy Ramsperger

SHOW DESCRIPTION:  Today’s topic is CREATIVITY. So many of my clients are bored at work because they feel there is no space for the creative side of their personalities. Well, I want to introduce you to someone who has found ways throughout her career to bring imagination and ingenuity into her work. And I know she’ll

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Kathryn Ramsperger 24 May 2021 • EN


is an award-winning author, editor, and creativity coach. She began her career with National Geographic and Kiplinger. She also worked for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent. The Shores of Our Souls was a semifinalist in the 2017 Faulkner-Wisdom Literary Competition. The Shores of Our Souls Kathryn Brown Rams

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Podcasts with Kathryn Ramsperger


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