524: Nicholas Christakis | Pandemic Impacts and Contagious Behavior
Nicholas Christakis (@NAChristakis) is the Sterling Professor of Social and Natural Science at Yale, a physician, and author. His latest book is Apollo's Arrow: The Profound and Enduring Impact of Coronavirus on the Way We Live. What We Discuss with Nicholas Christakis: What social science tells us about our best shot (pun moderately intended) at achieving herd immunity from COVID-19. How social networks allowed the virus to spread and reinforced mistrust of well-known science among certain politically oriented segments of the populace. What the lessons of past disasters can teach us about the road ahead. Why the bad (and good) habits of our friends' friends can have an impact on our own behavior from across vast social networks. What we can do to best defend ourselves against the unwanted influence of these unseen members of our network. And much more... Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/524 Sign up for Six-Minute Networking -- our free networking and relationship development mini course -- at jordanharbinger.com/course! Like this show? Please leave us a review here -- even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!
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