EP64 Colin Wright on The New Evolution Deniers
Colin Wright talks with Jim about the new evolution deniers & its impact on his academic career, sex & gender, nature AND nurture, postmodernism, whiskey, and more... Colin Wright talks with Jim about his critiques of the new evolution deniers & the impact it had on his search for academic faculty positions, the connections & differences between sex & gender, primary vs secondary sex traits, the re-emergence of the blank slate theory, the naturalistic fallacy, embracing nature AND nurture, dangers of postmodernism, critical race theory, religion & dogma, religious behavior without the supernatural, Colin & Jim's appreciation of whiskey, and more. Episode Transcript Mentions & Recommendations Colin's Quillette article, The New Evolution Deniers Colin's Publication History Quillette article, What Explains the Resistance to Evolutionary Psychology? Darwin's Dangerous Idea by Daniel Dennett John Vervaeke Colin Wright is an evolutionary biologist, Quillette assistant editor, and lover of whisk(e)y, fitness, and ideas.
From "The Jim Rutt Show"
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