Ep. 5 - Lewis Howes: The Millionaire Who Couldn't Read
You've heard the stories about college dropouts who go on to become billionaires... like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerburg... And you might even know that 20% of America's millionaires never stepped foot on a college campus. But how many guys have you heard of who read at a second grade level... yet go on to be millionaires? My guess is none... but you're about to meet one. His name is Lewis Howes, and he's this week's guest on the James Altucher Show, a radio show we recently helped to launch. Lewis Howes' story is nothing short of amazing... At age 10, he was 6'3". He described himself as a "gangly, skinny, ugly, acne kid, who couldn't read or write or do anything." In the eighth grade, he could only read at a second-grade level. He cheated on every test in high school because he says that's the only way he could pass. But Lewis' life changed dramatically after talking his way into college. He wanted to become a football player... and despite a series of major setbacks and injuries, he became a two-time All-American. Thing is... when it came time to leave college, the NFL didn't want him. He had no other skills. He was broke and depressed. By now, you might be wondering how listening to a former semi-pro football player can help you become more successful and wealthy. Turns out, a lot more than you'd think... Howes figured out an ingenious way to make a fortune. At one time, he was making an incredible $60,000 per hour. This week, you'll hear the amazing story of Lewis Howes, who now travels the globe teaching people exactly how they can achieve their dreams. Schools can't prep you for success anymore. Today's millionaires prove that if schooling and traditional employment does not work for you, then you must figure out how to connect with people on a different level. And Lewis teaches you exactly what you need to do to get there. He reveals the secret thing that people should never, ever do when they're trying to get ahead. I was shocked because it's usually the first thing people think they SHOULD do! He also reveals the question that he always asks during networking sessions. Lewis explains, "That simple question opened the door" to his future as a millionaire. Like James Altucher, Lewis Howes is a quirky, interesting guy, who's become a huge success by thinking outside the box. ------------What do YOU think of the show? Head to JamesAltucherShow.com/listeners and fill out a short survey that will help us better tailor the podcast to our audience!Are you interested in getting direct answers from James about your question on a podcast? Go to JamesAltucherShow.com/AskAltucher and send in your questions to be answered on the air!------------Visit Notepd.com to read our idea lists & sign up to create your own!My new book, Skip the Line, is out! Make sure you get a copy wherever books are sold!Join the You Should Run for President 2.0 Facebook Group, where we discuss why you should run for President.I write about all my podcasts! Check out the full post and learn what I learned at jamesaltuchershow.com------------Thank you so much for listening! If you like this episode, please rate, review, and subscribe to "The James Altucher Show" wherever you get your podcasts: Apple PodcastsiHeart RadioSpotifyFollow me on social media:YouTubeTwitterFacebookLinkedIn
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