"Intimate Health Biohacking": Legit or Clever Marketing? (Feat. Klaudia Balogh) #582
Today's topics: 1️⃣ Red Light Therapy Goes Below the Belt – A new device promises to boost circulation, collagen, and intimate health—legit science or clever marketing? 2️⃣ CheekAge Clock: The DNA Test That Reveals Your Real Age – Scientists say a cheek swab can measure biological aging—how accurate is it, and what does it mean for longevity? 3️⃣ RFK Jr. and Experts Warn of Wireless Radiation Risks – The EMF Hazards Summit 2025 is sounding the alarm on Wi-Fi, 5G, and the potential dangers of wireless radiation. 4️⃣ 100,000 Parents Delay Smartphones for Kids – With support from Benedict Cumberbatch and Joe Wicks, a movement is pushing to keep kids off smartphones until 14—is it too late? Featuring Longevity Journalist and friend of the show Klaudia Balogh Join 30k+ weekly biohackers who receive the latest tech + techniques + reviews + insider biohacking news by signing up for the weekly newsletter here. Follow Klaudia Balogh on Instagram. THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Magnesium Breakthrough by BIOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough contains seven different forms of magnesium, each playing a unique role in your body. From improving sleep quality to enhancing brain function, and from boosting metabolism to balancing stress response, magnesium is involved in over 600 biochemical reactions. An epic supplement! Just go to bioptimizers.com/zestology and use code ZESTOLOGY10 for 10% off. In the UK? Use the same discount code at https://bioptimizers.co.uk/.
From "Biohacking News by Zestology"
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