How I Sold 650K Books with One Strategy with Mike Thomas

18 Feb 2025 • 38 min • EN
38 min
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Today, we discover how to become a bestselling author by going all-in on one marketing strategy. We are joined by Mike Thomas, legendary author of The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls nine-book series – a time-traveling epic that helps kids explore the Bible and their faith. After explaining where the idea for his widely popular series came from, Mike describes how his novels began as a simple Word document printout and evolved into the complete work of art you see today and why he chose to go all-in on influencer marketing after his first book launch. We unpack strategies for getting your book into the hands of many readers as quickly as possible, the various book marketing options and their budget considerations, the power of word of mouth, and the importance of choosing your words very carefully when approaching potential marketing partners. To end, we get an overview of the expected timeline from publishing to marketing to your book becoming a bestseller, and Mike details the pros and cons of other marketing avenues like Facebook and Amazon Ads.

From "The Influential Personal Brand Podcast"

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