Heard it From a Friend

10 Feb 2025 • 34 min • EN
34 min
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Have you heard?  I did a thing - a big thing!! But the version some of my friends heard? It was wayyyyy off!! On today’s episode of The Be Ruthless Show, I discuss the telephone game! Remember that one? How information changes from person to person. Is what you’re hearing what the other person actually said? And what about things you hear in the world, even if they’re not just for your ears? Is the information accurate?  Tune in now - for the episode and my big news!!  Remember that you can reach out anytime - with questions , feedback, to work with me, for referrals and resources , and just for support and connection : sam@samantharuth.com Join the Griefhab Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/griefhab7/J oin Team Ruthless - for multiple support groups every week PLUS EVERY holiday : https://samantharuth.com/team-ruthless Learn more about becoming a certified grief coach or an author in Faces of Grief:  sam@samantharuth.com

From "The Be Ruthless Show"

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