Healing Trauma and Building a Legacy of Resilience with Dr Mariel Buqué PhD
What some people consider minor stressors can trigger and overwhelm those whose biological and psychological makeup is foundationally built upon intergenerational traumas. These are familial events inherited by generations, affecting their descendants like second-hand smoke. Those with intergenerational traumas can be predisposed to heightened emotions that may not be widely understood by their societal circles. If you have witnessed someone’s reaction to a circumstance that didn’t appear to warrant it, their response could be based on the person’s unique heritage and ancestry without them being aware of the factors at play. To discover ways to break the transcending cycle of intergenerational trauma and begin the healing process, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Columbia University-trained Psychologist and intergenerational trauma expert Dr. Mariel Buqué. Like what you're hearing? WANT MORE SOUND IDEAS FOR DEEPER THINKING? Check out More Mental Fitness by Harvesting Happiness bonus content available exclusively on Substack and Medium.
From "Harvesting Happiness"
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