Having a Miracle Mentality with Tim Storey
Different, better, and more magical, whether due to faith or what is innately in you, our guest today wants to encourage you to step out into who you are supposed to be and open yourself up to the supernatural realm because it is wonderfully powerful. Today, we welcome to the podcast Tim Storey. Tim is an acclaimed culture-influencing thought leader, life strategist, author, speaker, and counselor. Known for his insight and coaching among high-profile individuals who find themselves in a place of personal recovery and discovery, he has been labeled as the Original Comeback Coach. And he is here today to talk about having a Miracle Mentality, which also happens to be the title of his new book! We dive into what it means to have a miracle mentality, how to manage expectations, and what that requires, and he shares his insights into how you can discern the voice of God in your life. We talk about aligning to your assignment, tapping into and accessing a miracle mindset, and then Tim shares the steps of a comeback. He’s an example of someone who is unashamedly owning the gift and life that God has given him and wants to empower you to take on a miracle mindset, because, your mindset is ultimately yours to set. For all this, and so much more, don’t miss out on this episode. Start listening now.
From "The Influential Personal Brand Podcast"
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