Heal Your Anxiety and Fear Through Tapping with Nick Ortner
“It needs to come from a place of love.” Notes:How Nick relieves his own stress through tapping (2:54)How Nick figures out the best next step in his life (10:12)How Nick sorts through things in the news to preserve his energy (19:40)How meditating factors into Nick’s practice (29:10)How the individual’s effort is important to changing the world (31:51)How to manage what is going on at home right now (35:08)How the world is moving through the mindfulness space and where it’s headed (43:41) Links mentioned in this episode:The Tapping Solution AppFreakonomics podcastBen Greenfield podcastExponential Wisdom podcast - Peter DiamandisTim Ferriss PodcastConan O'Brien Needs a Friend podcastAtomic Habits by James ClearNick Ortner’s book The Tapping SolutionOrder Koya's book Let Your Fears Make You Fierce Follow Nick:WebsiteFacebookTwitterYouTube Follow Koya:InstagramFacebook
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