Gabriel Iglesias: Fluffy Returns! feat. Emergency Plane Landings, Aliens, & A.I.
Gabriel Iglesias (stand-up comedian) returns to MBB, but this time he’s in the studio for a chill summer fun episode! He describes his super fun birthday party and Mayim and Jonathan give him birthday presents. He also opens up about the terrifying moment his plane skid off the runway earlier this summer after being forced to make an emergency landing. Gabriel describes what burnout feels like for him and how he copes with it, his addiction to social media, his recent lifestyle changes, and using the stage as his therapy. He shares his take on artificial intelligence and what it means for performers, why he believes aliens exist, and how performing at smaller venues allowed him to fall back in love with comedy. Mayim breaks down veganism for Gabriel and they compare their experiences on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune. See Gabriel Iglesias on Tour: https://fluffyguy.com/tour/BialikBreakdown.comYouTube.com/mayimbialik
From "Mayim Bialik's Breakdown"
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