40: The Power of Transparency & Creating a Raving Community with Pat Flynn
Getting laid off is enough to make anyone want to crawl into a hole and hide. But Pat Flynn went the other direction. He took the opportunity to open himself up, and put his experience in the spotlight. And that very openness became the key to his success, as his Smart Passive Income Community has now reached millions of entrepreneurs. It’s not every day that you have the chance to become an overnight sensation, but for Pat Flynn, the stars seemed to align perfectly for him on a gloomy day in 2008. After landing the job of his dreams and working passionately at it for many years, the mid-2008 recession hit him harder than he’d ever imagined. Being recently promoted at a large architecture firm, he was shocked when his boss announced that the company could no longer pay for his services and expertise. Although he was clouded with the fear of unemployment during the first few weeks, this obstacle was the golden opportunity that would change his life forever. Enter Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income In this interview you will learn: - How Pat has built a raving super engaged community so powerful that he often receives emails from community members asking for his amazon affiliate link as they want Pat to receive the affiliate commission from Amazon - The power of building extremely deep relationships with your audience and how to build epic amounts of trust - A throwdown on the Foundr Podcast and core action items on how to improve your podcast - How Pat has built one of the top ranked business podcasts - The power of transparency and how it has helped Pat grow his business exponentially - What Pat believes it takes to build a successful online business these days - & Much more! I Need Your Help! If you haven’t already, I would love if you could be awesome and take a minute to leave a quick rating and review of the podcast on iTunes by clicking on the link below. It’s the most amazing way to help the show grow and reach more people! Leave a review for the Foundr Podcast!
From "The Foundr Podcast with Nathan Chan"
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