Kevin Miller & Greg McKeown , What Drives You with Kevin Miller

Essentialism: How To Discover & Get Rid Of The Fluff In Your Life w/ Greg McKeown

06 Dec 2024 • 78 min • EN
78 min
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Every Monday I bring you an author with a new book. But in my personal studies, I’m just as equally reading and rereading books from years past. Classics, in my opinion. In 2010, Greg McKeown published his book, Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, and it quickly became a classic. He became an instant guru on looking at our lives and our work and asking, “What is really essential?” I sat down with Greg and Tom Ziglar a few years back to understand essentialism better. You will hear, it is not about minimalism. It’s more about making the right and best decisions. Putting decisions to extreme tests. Being in control. Greg says that in an emergency, “Everyone is an essentialist.” We get on task, on target, divest ourselves of non-necessities, and do what is most efficient, effective and successful. So can you really live every moment like that? Let’s see. Sign up for a $1/month trial period at Go to and use code KEVIN to sign up for your FREE 60-day trial Get 20% off your first probiotic membership order at Go to and use code DRIVEN for an exclusive 40% discount Use my promo code WHATDRIVESYOU for 10% off on any CleanMyMac's subscription plans Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

From "What Drives You with Kevin Miller"

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