Episode 8 - Dr Diana Mercado-Marmarosh
Dr. Diana Mercado-Marmarosh, is a Family Medicine Physician, Clinic Medical Director and Chief Medical Officer. She is also the founder of "OverAchieve Life Coaching", a company designed to help physicians and medical students create systems that are "so simple, even someone with ADHD can implement them". For the past decade prior to discovering life and ADHD coaching, she was someone that had 200 charts open and "a graveyard of unfinished projects" - but all that has changed. She is now on a mission to help physicians and medical students create systems that support their zone of genius and reclaim 5-10 hours per week of their personal life. Her clients learn to leave work at work. She is happily married and has a 3 year old daughter and 4 year old son. She enjoys travel, painting, zumba, yoga nidra meditation, and exploring different cultures. In this episode, Dr Mercado-Marmarosh and I chat about:Her leadership rolesHer leadership styleHer leadership journeyThe leaders that helped her riseThe challenges she faced on her journeyHow she navigated those challengesHow she thinks you can become a strong and kind leaderHer "take home" leadership messages for the listeners, andWhat she is currently excited to be working on. Dr Mercado-Marmarosh"s contact details include: Website: www.adhd-lifecoach.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drdianamercadomarmarosh/ Facebook Group: "Beyond ADHD - A Physician"s Perspective" Instagram: @beyondadhdlifecoach TikTok: @doctor_adhd_coach Please reach out to Dr Harrison for individual coaching and/or organisational training via dr.adam@coachingmentoringdoctors.com. His web address and social media profile links / handles include: www.dradamharrison.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/dradamharrison/ www.youtube.com/c/DrAdamPhysicianCoach https://www.facebook.com/coachingmentoringdoctors/ https://www.instagram.com/dradamharrison/ https://www.tiktok.com/@physiciancoach He has co-written a new online course entitled "How to be Assertive, Maintain Boundaries, and Say "No!"" which can be accessed instantly here for only £55/$66: https://tenminutemedicine.podia.com/burnout-to-brilliance-assertiveness-and-saying-no
From "Inspiring Women Leaders"
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