Episode 444 - Writing as a team sport with Petra Molthan-Hill

24 Feb 2025 • 31 min • EN
31 min
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' I really like to read other people's ideas and then add my own ideas... you start with the brainstorming together and say, so what could be in here?' Petra Molthan-Hill is a professor of Sustainable Management and Education for Sustainable Development at Nottingham Business School, and a prolific academic writer. But when it came to The Handbook of Carbon Management - which was named Change & Sustainability Book of the Year at the Business Book Awards 2024 - she knew she wanted to take a different approach. She knew this had to be a practical book for anyone, at any level of the organization, and in any size of organization, wanting to make more sustainable decisions. It had to contain not just evidence-based theories, but pragmatic, easy-to-implement solutions grounded in research and real-world impact. And it needed to get out there quickly and start making a difference, because this is a crisis that demands a response and there is literally no time to lose.  So Petra turned to a trusted group of her peers, and between them they created something that is more than the sum of its parts.  In this week's episode Petra tells me about their collaborative, creative writing process, and the way in which reading and writing more generally can provide some of the most satisfying conversations you'll ever have, even when there's noone else in the room.  

From "The Extraordinary Business Book Club"

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