The Extraordinary Business Book Club
Alison Jones, publisher and book coach, explores business books from both a writer's and a reader's perspective. Interviews with authors, publishers, business leaders, entrepreneurs, tech wizards, social media strategists, PR and marketing experts and others involved in helping businesses tell their story effectively.
Show episodes
'When I first started, people were like, "Don't say the word paradox... don't say it because they won't get it." And now people are like, "Oh my goodness, I need this."' When it's a case of scarce resources - as it always seems to be, right? - our default thinking is Either/Or. Either I spend time on this project, or
' I really like to read other people's ideas and then add my own ideas... you start with the brainstorming together and say, so what could be in here?' Petra Molthan-Hill is a professor of Sustainable Management and Education for Sustainable Development at Nottingham Business School, and a prolific academic writer. But
'I have learned to have a different relationship with resistance... when we're actually really on track with things, resistance comes up.' Sarah Rozenthuler is no stranger to the art of conversation at work. With over two decades of experience as a business psychologist, she's seen both how energizing high-quality conv
'How do you make a strategy a story? The best leaders and the best communicators do that. They turn something that's functional and rational into something that's a story.' John Dore, head of London Business School's Senior Executive Program and founder of Wave Your Arms, wants you to reimagine your idea of 'glue': as
If you know anything at all about coaching, you know that it's all about asking questions, right? Well, yes, and also: that's not the full story. Claire Pedrick and Lucia Baldelli sat down together to write a book on how to move from 'really good' to 'even better' coach, but they quickly realised that mastery is less
'Writing isn't just about creating content; it's about creating ourselves.' It's another Best Bits episode, and the theme that really stood out to me as I looked back over the last few episodes was one that you’ll have met here before if you’re a regular listener: it’s the power of writing not just as a means of commu