EP86: Three episode bundle! Thinking about thinking...
Anyone who makes critical decisions needs to be aware of dual process theory and the heuristics we use and are subject to. Dr. Pat Croskerry, Dr. Christopher Chabris, and Dr. Itiel Dror are all experts in critical thinking about how our minds work. This episode is also available for Yale CME credit (1.0 hour). Dr. Pat Croskerry, MD PhD, is a professor in emergency medicine at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. For the past 10 years, he has been Director, Critical Thinking Program, Division of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, at that same institution. Trained as an experimental psychologist, Dr. Croskerry went on to become an emergency medicine physician and found himself surprised by the relatively scant amount of attention given to cognitive errors. He is one of the world"s foremost experts in safety in emergency medicine and in diagnostic errors. He is humble, honest, and thoughtful; read this interview for more insight into his background and work in the emergency department (https://psnet.ahrq.gov/perspective/conversation-withpat-croskerry-md-phd). Other recent key links to his work include https://www.bmj.com/content/376/bmj-2021-068044/rr-1 and The Cognitive Autopsy (https://www.amazon.com/Cognitive-Autopsy-Analysis-Medical-Decision/dp/0190088745/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2UQIRFBZTX6JH&keywords=croskerry+cognitive+autopsy&qid=1648025342&sprefix=%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-1). Dr. Christopher Chabris, PhD is one of the originators of a famous psychology experiment (link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJG698U2Mvo); he is currently Professor and Co-director of the Behavior and Decision Sciences Program at Geisinger Health System. His book with Daniel Simons, The Invisible Gorilla (link: http://www.theinvisiblegorilla.com/) is a bestseller that goes into much greater depth on the everyday illusions of attention, memory, confidence, knowledge, cause, and potential; as well as the myth of intuition. Dr. Itiel Dror PhD is a senior cognitive neuroscience researcher at the University College London. He received his PhD in Psychology at Harvard University. He researches information processing involved in perception, judgment, and decision-making. Dr. Dror has dozens of research publications, which have been cited over 10,000 times. His academic theoretical work is complemented with applied worked in healthcare, policing and aviation --to improve human training and decision making. More information and publications are available here. Links to some papers: 1) Short piece from Science, 2) A bit more "meat" explaining bias sources & fallacies, 3) A "solution" too, and 4) "Hot off the press", just published, a new paper on forensic pathology decisions.
From "Girl Doc Survival Guide"
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