Ep. 225 | Scott Lyng | Army Tanker, Firefighter, and OIF Veteran

06 Feb 2025 • 117 min • EN
117 min
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Scott Lyng served in the US Army with the 3rd Infantry Division, 3rd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 2-69 AR. Scott deployed to Iraq two times during his enlistment, then became a firefighter following his military service. Support the show Custom flags: https://jcramergraphics.com/collections/flags ANGLICO Gear: https://www.ANGLICOshop.com Exclusive Content: https://www.patreon.com/formeractionguys 00:00:00 J Cramer Graphics Ad 00:00:40 California Fires 00:11:37 Joining the Army 00:22:11 The M1A1 Experience 00:30:57 M1A1 Abrams and M88 Hercules 00:39:38 Tank Weapons and Loadout 00:51:30 Do Medics Ride in Tanks? 00:56:28 Tank Training | Provisional Infantry Deployment 01:06:57 Hitting an IED in a Tank 01:23:08 Naming Tanks 01:30:37 Armor and Drones in Ukraine 01:39:47 A Tanker's Thoughts on Fury

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