Former Action Guys Podcast
Former Action Guys Podcast is a way for veterans, first responders and others to share their stories that the world has never heard in a casual, conversational format that allows a natural flow of information about their career and lives. Justin Cramer is a former Marine JTAC Evaluator that completed 5 deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan, and on the USS Makin Island. Justin served with 1st ANGLICO, 10th Marine Regiment, 3rd Battalion 6th Marine Regiment and others before leaving the military after 12 years in 2018. Some content is not appropriate for children or listeners because of the graphic description of combat and other traumatic events. Support the show https://patreon.com/formeractionguys https://jcramergraphics.com https://ANGLICOshop.com
Show episodes
Scott Lyng served in the US Army with the 3rd Infantry Division, 3rd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 2-69 AR. Scott deployed to Iraq two times during his enlistment, then became a firefighter following his military service. Support the show Custom flags: https://jcramergraphics.com/collections/flags ANGLICO Gear: https://ww
Ben Fortier served in two deployments to Iraq as a mortarman with 1st Battalion 25th Marine Regiment. Ben plays guitar, drums, and uses poetry to inspire song lyrics. His collection of poems Phantom was the 2024 winner of the Robert A. Gannon award. Support the show https://www.jcramergraphics.com https://www.ANGLICOs
David Walton is a former Green Beret and has written multiple books for people interested in attending Special Forces Assessment and Selection. Check out David's previous interview on Ep. 188. Support the show https://jcramergraphics.com/collections/flags https://www.ANGLICOshop.com https://www.patreon.com/formeraction
Danny Rodriguez is a former Army mortarman that served in Iraq and Afghanistan. His unit was involved in the 2009 Battle of Kamdesh and he earned a Purple Heart and Bronze Star for his actions. Following his enlistment, he used his GI Bill to attend college and walk-on to the Clemson football team. Support the show htt
Michael Hanthorne served as a motor transport operator, but during the Second Battle of Fallujah, his primary responsibility was as the 'body bag guy.' Brian Moran, a third-generation Marine radio operator, was tasked with coordinating the pickup of fallen fighters and logging all radio traffic to and from the Potato F
Jack Murphy is a former Green Beret and Army Ranger Sniper that has served on multiple combat deployments. He also hosts the Team House Podcast and has written multiple books. Support the show https://www.jcramergraphics.com https://www.ANGLICOshop.com https://www.patreon.com/formeractionguys The Team House Podcast htt