Danny Rodriguez is a former Army mortarman that served in Iraq and Afghanistan. His unit was involved in the 2009 Battle of Kamdesh and he earned a Purple Heart and Bronze Star for his actions. Following his enlistment, he used his GI Bill to attend college and walk-on to the Clemson football team. Support the show https://www.jcramergraphics.com/collections/flags https://www.ANGLICOshop.com https://www.patreon.com/formeractionguys 00:00:00 J Cramer Graphics Ad 00:00:40 Intro | Afghanistan Combat Video 00:09:55 Joining the Army 00:12:46 Army Infantry | 11C 00:17:44 First Deployment | Combat Replacement 00:32:00 Give and Take Relationship 00:42:16 Deployment to Afghanistan 00:53:32 Battle of Kamdesh 01:10:39 After the Battle 01:17:12 The Oupost | Book and Movie
From "Former Action Guys Podcast"
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