Ravi Belani & Reshma Saujani , Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders

Reshma Saujani (Girls Who Code) - Fixing Tech’s Gender Gap

27 Oct 2021 • 59 min • EN
59 min
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Reshma Saujani is the founder of Girls Who Code and the Marshall Plan for Moms, and is the author of the forthcoming book Pay Up: The Future of Women and Work (and Why It's Different Than You Think). She has spent more than a decade building movements to fight for women and girls’ economic empowerment, working to close the gender gap in the tech sector, and most recently advocating for policies to support moms impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. In this conversation with Stanford adjunct lecturer Ravi Belani, Saujani discusses the root causes of the gender gap in tech and explores what companies and individuals still need to do to make the field more fair and equitable.

From "Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders"

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