We’re back to talk about ANOTHER prequel to The Exorcist (afilm so nice they had to tell the origin twice), but fortunately, this week Mike and Stephen are here to talk about the good one. Yes indeed, this week we’re here to talk about the most expensive DVD feature of all time, the completedvision of Paul Schrader’s Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist. It’s the Gallant to Harlin’s Goofy, and as one might expect from a Schrader jam, it’s a contemplative rumination on man’s fallibility and culpability with regards toevil. It’s certainly not the rock ‘em sock ‘em straight forward horror movie Morgan Creek anticipated, leading to it being shelved for The Beginning. Perhaps a horror crowd that’s been raised on the sort of character studies A24has delivered over the past decade would be more receptive to the quiet character drama and standout performance from its lead Stellan Skarsgard delivered as a conflicted Father Merrin. If you like what you’re listening to make sure to subscribewherever you get your podcast feeds. Please take a moment to rate and review us on the ApplePodcast app, or rate us on the Spotify app. Reviews and five star ratings helpnew listeners find us every day, and we greatly appreciate the feedback andsupport. Check out our website for easy access to our full catalog ofshows, with hundreds of hours of free content. You can search the catalog,leave a review and even leave us feedback all from the site. Go to www.podandthependulum.com to checkit out. If you have the means, consider becoming a patron today and support the show.Patreon members get exclusive full length episodes, audio fan commentaries,exclusive mini-sodes and more. Join today at patreon.com/podandthependulum.
From "The Pod and the Pendulum"
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