Ryan Holiday
Ryan Holiday is the author of several New York Times bestselling books, most recently Stillness Is the Key (Oct 2019), which debuted at #1 on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestsellers lists. His other books about Stoicism and ancient philosophy include The Obstacle Is the Way, Ego Is the Enemy, and with Stephen Hanselman, The Daily Stoic. Holiday’s books have been translated into over 30 languages and have been read by three million people worldwide. In addition to his books, Holiday is the founder of TheDailyStoic.com— likely the largest community of Stoics since days of Rome or Greece—which includes a podcast (10M downloads annually), newsletter (250K subscribers) and over 1 million followers on its social media platforms. Holiday is an in-demand public speaker, continually praised for talks that are insightful, relevant, timely, and forward thinking.
From "Danica Patrick Pretty Intense Podcast"
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