David Meltzer & Chris Gardner , The Playbook With David Meltzer

Chris Gardner on Transforming Limitations into Possibilities

15 Jul 2023 • 28 min • EN
28 min
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David Meltzer is joined by Rick Macci (legendary Tennis Coach), and Chris Gardner (Author of critically acclaimed "Pursuit of Happyness"). Rick praises Chris for his diverse skillset and achievements, particularly highlighting his work in public schools. The trio discusses the critical threads that tie people's lives together and the evolution of the American Dream. Chris, an inspiring entrepreneur, and motivational speaker, reflects on meeting influential figures and the vital importance of helping others and investing in the future. Both guests underscore the necessity of shifting conversations from limitations to possibilities. Rick lauds Chris's significant societal impact, urging listeners to explore his content further. The episode wraps up with a poignant emphasis on gratitude, kindness, and continual self-improvement.

From "The Playbook With David Meltzer"

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