043 | Drawdown Strategy | The Retirement Manifesto
043 | In this podcast we have a far-ranging conversation with Fritz from the Retirement Manifesto about retirement drawdown strategies, his 'buckets' system, and his upcoming retirement. In Today’s Podcast we cover: Retirement drawdown strategies with Fritz from Retirement Manifesto How Fritz focuses on what life is about after retirement such as how you’re going to spend your time Fritz is 9 months away from retirement himself A background on his story in corporate America and his path to FI and early retirement The difference in perspectives between retirement dates and savings rates between the FI community and the population at large What would Fritz’s path have looked like if he found the FI community decades earlier Fritz stayed with the same company for 32 years and has a traditional pension Where did his interest in retirement spreadsheets and the blog come from? How writing a blog helps develop and formalize your own thoughts and plans What to consider when building your own retirement drawdown strategy The Three Bucket Strategy for retirement drawdowns and how Fritz separates his own holdings by these buckets What a simplification strategy looks like and how to avoid taxation with this simplification How you can create a net neutral taxable position by specifically identifying losses and gains to sell when trying to simplify How Fritz plans to use Roth conversions while he is in a zero-income position for a 2 year period and pay $0 in tax on the conversions Explanation of the Mega Backdoor Roth and how Fritz is utilizing it The equity to bond split that Fritz uses plus how to consider asset allocation and risk Why does Fritz use a 60/40 Stock to Bon split when he has a pension and social security coming? Why Fritz believes you shouldn’t take more risk than you have to Fritz’s thoughts on delaying a pension and social security to get a guaranteed return A hypothetical early retiree example and how Fritz would think through this example and advise them The uncertainty of health care in early retirement How they can track their annual spending by putting money into “Bucket 1” What annual tasks do they do with a ‘year in review’? The variable approach to withdrawal rates and flexibility The value of protecting your Roth accounts to let them grow as long as possible Life insurance policy discussion The flexibility to take fun seasonal jobs if you wanted an adventure Health Insurance and long-term care insurance discussion
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