How to find podcast guests, with Podmatch's Alex Sanfilippo
Alex Sanfillipo walked around a convention center floor, asking podcasters what they wish would be easier about their job. He found they all had trouble finding the perfect podcast guests, so he co-founded PodMatch, the for podcasts guests and hosts to connect simply and quickly. Gone are the days of sending out a million one-sheets after spending hours searching for the right email addresses—Podmatch is here to help. Jason and Cee Cee have used the platform, so, in this episode of the Earfluence Podcast, Alex shares how it got started, where it's going and what it can do for you. The Earfluence Podcast is a production of Earfluence Media and is hosted by Jason Gillikin and Cee Cee Huffman.
From "Earfluence: Amplify Your Expertise with Podcasting"
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