John Lee Dumas—Is It Worth It To Create an Online Platform?
It feels like just about everyone is trying to "build their online platform" these days. But only the people who do it right are the ones that reap the benefits. And yes -- there is a "right" way to do it. On this week's episode, John Lee Dumas, author of the book "The Common Path to Uncommon Success" shares a step-by-step plan for how you can produce consistent content for your platform that doesn't feel cheesy and allows you to expand your influence. -- Find out more about The Common Path to Uncommon Success at UncommonSuccessBook.com When you become a Business Made Simple Professional, you get access to our library of courses that take the mystery out of growing a business. Become a Business Made Simple Professional today at BusinessMadeSimple.com
From "Why That Worked – Presented by StoryBrand.ai"
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