David Eagleman—Break Free of Your Soul-Sucking Routine
Sometimes it can feel like you’re constantly stuck in the same soul-sucking routine day after day, like a hamster in a wheel. And even if it's not draining all your energy, it can still be mentally exhausting. That is exactly why we invited David Eagleman to the podcast! David is a neuroscientist and best-selling author of the Pulitzer nominated Livewired: The Story of the Ever-Changing Brain and gives you simple and easy ways to break out of your routine, improve brain health and gain back your energy at work and at home. -- Order David Eagleman's newest book, Livewired: The Story of the Ever-Changing Brain, at Eagleman.com/Books. Finally take the mystery out of growing your business and go to BusinessMadeSimple.com. For only $275 annually you'll get instant unlimited access to all of our online courses, including our signature course, How To Grow A Business, plus live coaching events with Donald Miller every month. Take the mystery out of growing your business today at BusinessMadeSimple.com.
From "Why That Worked – Presented by StoryBrand.ai"
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