In Conversation - Jonathan Price Top Five Tips For Turning Your Youtube Channel Into A Client Acquisition Channel
“So I was enjoying going to the shows, I was documenting it, and I was putting it on YouTube, and people would see they would go after the show and see themselves own the videos, and they would like it, they would comment, and it just turned into a snowball. But the thing was, I wasn"t selling anything at that time. So that made it where people, they really were building this more personable relationship with me like, Oh, this guy is not trying to force a sale on me of anything. He"s just sharing these videos. And sometimes there"s videos of them getting. We call it a demo. Like if we demonstrate the vehicle to the person and they hear it, they feel it, they have a crazy reaction to it, they get to see themselves on the video. So that was the important thing to grow the YouTube channel fast was I wasn"t selling anything to people initially. So, I think that"s a good thing to do.” Jonathan Price Top Five Tips For Turning Your YouTube Channel Into A Client Acquisition Channel 1. Start on some sort of social media, primarily YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram, and share content related to your passion or interest. 2. When starting your following, focus on building an organic following by not selling anything initially. This will help build a more personable relationship with your followers. 3.Create a demand for your product or service by sharing content related to your expertise or passion. This can lead to people asking where they can buy your product or service. 4. Build a personal relationship with your followers through your content and interactions with them online. This can lead to lifelong customers and word-of-mouth referrals. 5.Feel the demand for your product or service and offer a solution to the problem. This can help turn your YouTube channel into a client acquisition channel. TIME STAMP SUMMARY 01:28 The beginning of using YouTube as a forum. 09:09 Listening to the audience’s needs. 13:23 Building organic relationships. 18:34 Invest in social media, it is worth it. Where to find Jonathan? Website https://www.down4soundshop.com/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/THELIFEOFPRICE/ Jonathan Price Bio Johnathan Price is the Founder of Down 4 Sound Shop. In the span of just five years, he went from working out of his parents attic to 20 million in sales annually in the car audio industry – a milestone unheard of in that sector. Now, JP has a thriving YouTube community of fellow “Bassheads” with 500k subscribers and coaches others on creating their passion business.
From "Business Excellence - TOP 5 Series"
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