Josh Elledge , More Perfect Marketing

Building Relationships Beyond Transactions (with Josh Elledge)

13 May 2024 • 36 min • EN
36 min
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Imagine you're at a local networking event, your hand extended, ready to exchange business cards. But instead of a trade, you give your card away without expecting one in return. Strange? Maybe. But according to my recent guest, this simple act of generosity could be the golden key to unlocking unprecedented business growth and genuine relationships. That's what we're delving into today on More Perfect Marketing; it's not about transaction, it's about transformation. In the business world, we often get caught up in the numbers game—leads, conversions, and the bottom line. However, my conversation with Josh Elledge turned that notion on its head. He revealed that the most impactful leaders are those who approach each interaction with an open heart, ready to give without the immediate expectation of receiving. In a landscape brimming with overt sales pitches and insincere networking, Josh's approach refreshes like a cool breeze on a sweltering summer day. We live in an era where connection is currency, but Josh emphasizes that it's the quality, not quantity, of these connections that truly matters. By creating relationships beyond mere transactions, we pave the way for collaborative growth and success. And let's be real, who doesn't want to be that person in someone else's corner—offering insights, connections, and even friendship? Josh's strategy involves a discerning approach to relationships, choosing to invest time where it's most likely to flourish into partnerships that are more than just transactional. But don't be fooled, while it sounds altruistic, and it is, there's a strategic side to this method. By aligning ourselves with key people and offering value upfront, we lay the groundwork for a network that's more akin to a supportive community than a fickle fan base. Josh Elledge is a U.S. Navy veteran and launched to help entrepreneurs grow their authority and influence. UpMyInfluence builds 7-figure B2B sales systems with zero paid ads. He also started which has grossed more than $6 million in sales with zero paid ads. Josh is a keynote speaker, writes a syndicated newspaper column to 1.1 million readers, and regularly appears on more than 75 TV stations across the country. All told, Josh has appeared in the media more than 2000 times. Links Mentioned: Josh Elledge's Website: "The Go-Giver" by Bob Burg:

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