Bryan Johnson’s Netflix Gene Therapist Speaks Out—What You Didn’t See (feat. Mac Davis) #580
If you’ve seen the latest Netflix documentary on Bryan Johnson, you already know gene therapy is no longer the stuff of sci-fi. But is it the ultimate biohack… or a dangerous, unproven gamble? Today, I’m joined by Bryan Johnson’s gene therapist—Mac Davis. He’s the founder of Minicircle, the company featured in the documentary, and he even appeared in it himself. Gene therapy isn’t the future—it’s happening right now. And the man behind one of the most controversial longevity experiments in biohacking is with me today. Follow Mac Davis on LinkedIn. Join 30k+ weekly biohackers who receive the latest tech + techniques + reviews + insider biohacking news by signing up for the weekly newsletter here. THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Magnesium Breakthrough by BIOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough contains seven different forms of magnesium, each playing a unique role in your body. From improving sleep quality to enhancing brain function, and from boosting metabolism to balancing stress response, magnesium is involved in over 600 biochemical reactions. An epic supplement! Just go to bioptimizers.com/zestology and use code ZESTOLOGY10 for 10% off. In the UK? Use the same discount code at https://bioptimizers.co.uk/.
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