Bringing the Exercise as Medicine Movement to Life - Orangetheory Fitness

07 Jan 2025 • 31 min • EN
31 min
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An interview with Devin Lebrun, SVP Innovation & Strategic Partnerships, and MV Shook, Healthcare & Innovation Manager, at Orangetheory Fitness There was no lack of care across the people that we talked to and an interest in helping their patients. What we found was there was a lack of tools and support for them to do that, a lack of understanding of how to do it, and the goal would be to help support them there and create quite a frictionless process for them to just integrate it, because there"s no lack of a desire to do it, which is really, really helpful to bring this movement to life. Devin Lebrun With your work and with the resources you"ve helped us create, we"re able to then help educate those providers who are already in our studios of hey, like, if you love this and you"re helping treat someone and you think this might be a good solution for them, too, or you have other healthcare provider friends that are looking for that movement solution that they love, like we would love to be something that they consider for that. MV Shook Orangetheory Fitness Innovation Team role Science-backed and coach-led workout Interesting and innovative initiatives Reaching a broader demographic with Healthcare Advantage Healthcare Advantage program connecting the clinic and community Raising awareness among healthcare providers Subsidized exercise program impact Connecting the health & fitness industry to healthcare Reducing healthcare costs Supporting progress reports back to the healthcare provider Bringing the exercise as medicine movement to life Being part of the healthcare continuum @MovetoLiveMore

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