Move to Live®More
A podcast series featuring thought leaders in healthcare, health and fitness, and communities. We address solutions for chronic disease, obesity and physical inactivity through cross-sector collaboration and innovation.
Show episodes
An interview with Devin Lebrun, SVP Innovation & Strategic Partnerships, and MV Shook, Healthcare & Innovation Manager, at Orangetheory Fitness There was no lack of care across the people that we talked to and an interest in helping their patients. What we found was there was a lack of tools and support for them to do
An interview with Dr. Cate Collings, cardiologist, executive health coach and past president of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. Once this education piece gets done, you can"t put that genie back, that knowledge back in the bottle. Once a medical student or a resident has seen the life changing effects of u
An interview with Brendan Kelly, Owner and CEO of The Well Being Counseling and Fitness Center and Dr. Ben Davidson, Chair of The Well Being Foundation Board of Directors and a practicing physician. And so we work with people, kind of try to meet them where they"re at and come up with a concrete plan for movement for t
An interview with Taylor Walsh, Founder and Director of WholeHealthED: The Center for Whole Health Learning in K-12. As you referred to, each one of these practice areas or domains has a movement driving, whether it"s mindfulness or time in nature or nutrition and exercise. They are well entrenched, well established m
An interview with Dr. Euan Ashley, Chair of the Department of Medicine at Stanford University. I mean, it"s really my favorite fact of any fact in the world, and it comes up because a lot of the time, and you just made this point well, that people feel they don"t have time to exercise. And I get that. And there are lot
An interview with Simon Matthews, Director at the Global Positive Health Institute. We know that social, social connection, close relationships, lead to pro health choices, in other words, where we"re more likely to make decisions about our health that are good for us when we"re socially connected. And there"s all sort