Host Eric Bandholz continues his masterclass series on entrepreneurship. Last week he addressed tactics to increase ecommerce profits amid a slump for many businesses. This week he focuses on branding. He says most people think of branding as logos or design elements. But those items are components, not the essence. A brand is synonymous with a company — its mission, values, and purpose. Eric shares his own mission, values, and purpose — and thus those of his company, Beardbrand. For an edited and condensed transcript with embedded audio, see: https://www.practicalecommerce.com//branding-is-more-than-a-logo For all condensed transcripts with audio, see: https://www.practicalecommerce.com/tag/podcasts ****** The mission of Practical Ecommerce is to help online merchants improve their businesses. We do this with expert articles, podcasts, and webinars. We are an independent publishing company founded in 2005 and unaffiliated with any ecommerce platform or provider. https://www.practicalecommerce.com
From "Ecommerce Conversations"
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