22- Bill Bonner on the press, so-called “white supremacy” and the illusion of free money
In this week’s episode of the Bonner Private Research podcast I’m joined by Bill Bonner, author and founder of the Bonner Private Research Group. Today's conversation takes us for a journey through both time and space. We take a look at everything from the illusion of free money to the advent of free market money. From Dogecoin to Ford Motor Company, from bad ideas to real wealth and plenty more besides. Such is the breath of conversation one might reasonably expect when sitting down with no other than Bill Bonner, a man of a great many interests and insights, a few of which he was kind enough to share with us today. I hope you enjoy my conversion with Bill, up next Bullet Points 00:50 - A conversation through time and space 02:14 - The Irish language and lessons in how to mispronounce “Youghal” 03:22 - Calchaqui to Blackwater: Valley to valley lockdowns from Argentina to Ireland 05:38 - Bill on facemasks and PPE gear for children and students 06:24 - The advantage of multilingualism in a multi-polar world 07:34 - Speaking gaelic where nobody goes, and where nobody knows 09:31 - Coming to America! What to expect when we head north for the summer 10:25 - Bill on Chinese-style struggle sessions in America’s “leading” institutions 11:50 - Bill on so-called “white supremacy” and the electoral current in America 12:46 - General Motors, accusations of racism and the case of corporate blackmail 13:40 - The MS Press as leader in the vilification of the european cultural heritage 15:00 - What might the New Dark Ages look like? 15:47 - The progress of Civil Society vs the progress of technology 16:10 - Nazi Germany: An ordinary case of extraordinary stupidity 18:40 - What happens when you combine nuclear bombs with dark age brains 21:25 - Why is human kind incapable of ridding itself of demonstrably bad ideas? 21:55 - Lessons from the historical, irrational, involuntary act of “falling in love” 23:17 - “Hans, do you zinc zat ve are ze bad guyz?” 25:04 - The diabolical advent of (what looks like) “free money” 25:55 - Freud on limits and the civilizing instrument of restraint 27:10 - Humans have not evolved to understand or live alongside Facebook 28:45 - The grave impact of Social Media on an increasingly Anti-social society 30:11 - Why are humans so fascinated by markets? Bill’s thoughts... 31:45 - The ultimate pretense of the investment world 32:20 - How (not) to become your own online casino... and go broke doing so 33:17 - The great cycle of life: Making money... then figuring out how to get rid of it 33:51 - Not all booms are created equally - the real, legit vs. the phony crack-up 35:05 - (Re)introducing the coming “katastrophenhausse” 39:19 - Looking for warning signs along the road to monetary ruin 40:21 - Is Dogecoin really “worth” more than Ford Motor Company? When the money doesn't seem real 44:03 - Had the Feds done their job and kept their word, maybe crypto would not have taken flight 45:20 - Honesty in money is a basic building block of civilization
From "Bonner Private Research Podcast"
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