Bonner Private Research Podcast
Podcast by Bonner Private Research Podcast
Show episodes
(00:50) - Intro (03:10) - [START] (03:50) - The Greatest Financial Crisis in American History... (06:20) - Half a century into the modern monetary experiment and where it’s headed (07:50) - What does Bonner Private Research mean for YOU? (08:50) - Bill Bonner, Dan Denning, Tom Dyson and Joel Bowman, direct to you (10:5
#45 - Addison Wiggin and Joel Bowman on The Idea of America
Time stamps - A rough guide... (00:50) - Intro (01:30) - Addison’s intro... (02:50) - Omicron and the wrong way to learn the Greek alphabet (03:50) - Morris, Alive - A novel investigation into the “Idea of America” (04:50) - All fiction is, in the end, autobiographical - Jorge Luis Borges (05:50) - Why it has become fa
#44 - Bill Bonner on COP26 Glasgow, the Fed’s hypothetical 3rd Mandate and more...
Time stamps - A rough guide... (03:00) - “Helllloooooo Bill...” (04:00) - Bill chimes in on the cult of St. Greta and the COP26 gabfest in Glasgow (06:10) - “A lot of people are making a lot of money out of this green stuff,” Bill Bonner (09:55) - Bill’s take on climate change: It’s a whole lot more complicated than th
01:30 - Exercise-induced boredom and economic life after the Fed’s tapering... 01:00 - Auditory enlightenment and the antidote to boredom... 02:30 - Life by subscription and the challenge of valuations in the ‘New Normal’ 05:30 - Building narratives to justify any old theory... 06:30 - The Great Intergenerational Wealt
#42 - Bill Bonner on How Economic Policies Are Eroding Two Millennia of Progress
Time stamps - A rough guide... (00:50) (02:50) - Bill Bonner (03:00) - Advice from father of the bride - Start saving now (04:00) - What to do when inflation hits 50% (Learn mental math!) (05:00) - Trends in motion accelerated by a pandemic (06:30) - The US follows Tokyo... all the way to Buenos Aires! (08:30) - How th
(00:50) - INTRO (02:30) - [START] Let’s get to our program... (03:00) - Chris Mayer’s Investment Book Recommendation: Silent Investor, Silent Loser - by Martin Sosnoff (03:30) - The case against custodial management and the concept of “skin in the game” (03:00) - Inside ownership over time and the trend toward duel cla