(00:50) - INTRO (02:30) - [START] Let’s get to our program... (03:00) - Chris Mayer’s Investment Book Recommendation: Silent Investor, Silent Loser - by Martin Sosnoff (03:30) - The case against custodial management and the concept of “skin in the game” (03:00) - Inside ownership over time and the trend toward duel classes of stock (07:00) - Egregious owner compensation as a potential red flag for investors (08:20) - Lost in the Numbers: Treating money management as a conceptual exercise (10:20) - Art as an test case for subjective value (12:30) - Chris Mayer’s Philosophy Book Recommendation: Philosophy as Poetry by Richard Rorty (13:00) - A look at pragmatism and how it relates to investing (16:00) - A closer look at so-called “experts” and a new way or seeing and saying things (17:30) - Eternal archetypes and the lessons we can learn from them (21:55) - Chris Mayer’s Fiction Book Recommendation: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (23:00) - An inquiry into the nature of quality... and a great road trip (25:30) - A novel written by our host, Joel Bowman: Morris, Alive (26:30) - Special mention for great holiday reads: It’s All Greek to Me by John Mole (29:15) - END
From "Bonner Private Research Podcast"
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