#45 - Addison Wiggin and Joel Bowman on The Idea of America
Time stamps - A rough guide... (00:50) - Intro (01:30) - Addison’s intro... (02:50) - Omicron and the wrong way to learn the Greek alphabet (03:50) - Morris, Alive - A novel investigation into the “Idea of America” (04:50) - All fiction is, in the end, autobiographical - Jorge Luis Borges (05:50) - Why it has become fashionable to denigrate America (08:05) - A look inside American culture... from an outsider’s perspective (10:20) - America as the home of the individual (11:20) - From Walt Whitman to Bob Dylan, a legacy of literary independence (12:20) - The uniqueness of the American project (16:20) - Clear and Present Danger: A look at the threats to American culture (19:50) - Why literature? Why draw the line in the sand here? (24:20) - What’s wrong with Marxism anyway? (31:35) - The second coming of Neo-Wilsonian progressivism (37:20) - Progressivism through the 20th Century... and what’s next (39:20) - Breaking out of the echo chamber (47:50) - END
From "Bonner Private Research Podcast"
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