31 - Bill Bonner on the Real Asset Economy
What can the average salary earner do to prepare for the triple specter of rising inflation, rising interest rates and rising taxes? What business do world-improvers and do-gooders have predicting the needs of the world 50 years out... while imposing their plans in the here and now? What happens to revolutionaries when it comes time to confront their own sordid pasts? I posed these questions, and plenty more, to Bill Bonner when I caught up with him earlier in the week. Bill is happily ensconced in Youghal, Ireland, where he just welcomed the 7th Bonner grandchild into the fold. We begin our conversation by imagining what the world might look like when the next generation reaches college age. Please enjoy my conversation with Bill, up next... (00:50) - Intro (01:45) - Start (02:30) - Bill reports from Youghal, Ireland, on the state of affairs there... (04:15) - Looking ahead to the world one generation from now (05:35) - Grandpa Bill’s “wet blanket” investment advice (08:10) - “It’s a fantastic conceit to think that whatever we want no is what the world needs years from now.” (09:05) - A the distinction between private undertaking and public folly (09:45) - Lockdown grievances and the definition of “essential” vs. “non-essential” work (11:20) - A common thread for all central planners (13:00) - Living with government meddlers - Living free in an unfree world (14:30) - The “Workers’ Party” - Eternal enemy of the Working Class (15:45) - Are we beyond full employment? (16:30) - “There’s no man so conservative as a revolutionary who has just seized power.” (16:45) - News from Nicaragua... a tale of (yet another) revolution gone bad (22:20) - Uncrowded beaches, uncrowded trades, uncrowded investments... (23:00) - Bill’s latest Trade of the Decade: An update... (25:00) - Inflation: What the government wants, the government shall get... (26:00) - $10 Trillion: Welcome to the fake money boom! (29:00) - The Housing Boom as a “bridge” between the Financial and Consumer markets (33:00) - Are the Feds about to “Go Big”! (34:00) - What can the average citizen do to ride out the coming storm?
From "Bonner Private Research Podcast"
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